Book: 1 Kings Print ( PC Only ) I KINGS 14:6 "HEAVY TIDINGS" Intro: Jeroboam was the first king over Israel. He set up two golden calves; one in Bethel, the other in Dan His son became sick so he had his wife disguise herself and go to the aged prophet Ahijah who was now blind. I. THE FOLLY OF TRYING TO DISGUISE OURSELVES WHEN WE COME TO GOD. A. Often in our prayers we seek to disguise truth. 1. "Lord, I haven't been walking as closely as I should." 2. "Lord, I don't love my brother enough." 3. "Lord, help me to sell this place, and I will give half the profit to you." B. Some of you have come here this morning all disguised. 1. You try to look like you are comfortable and belong with God's people. C. God sees right through all our masks. 1. "Everything is open and naked before Him." 2. You might fool man, but you can't fool God. II. THE HEAVY TIDINGS. A. You have taken from God, but have given nothing in return. 1. God gave him the kingdom. 2. God made him a prince. 3. He turned himself and the people away from God. 4. God has invested a great deal in your life. a. So often we use the gifts of God for our own benefit only. b. God receives nothing for His investment, not even thanks. B. Evil is going to come upon you. 1. Your house is going to be cut off. 2. The peculiar mind bent of people today, we feel that judgment is not fair. "The ways of the Lord are not equal." a. So many sob sisters out to protest the death penalty for men like Bianca. b. Where are the bleeding hearts when the communists invade Afghanistan, or destroy Cambodia? C. The child is going to die. 1. He will be the only one in the family to be buried. 2. The rest are to be killed and their carcasses eaten by dogs. D. These are heavy tidings indeed. E. Some day those who reject Jesus Christ are going to hear equally heavy tidings. 1. "Depart from Me ye workers of iniquity." 2. As they come and say, "Lord, Lord, did we not attend church, sing the songs, dropped money in the offering." a. Heavy tidings, "I never knew you!" b. It was all a disguise. c. You fooled us, you became so cleaver you even fooled yourself. You don't fool God. |