Book: 1 Kings
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I KINGS 14:1-6
Intro: God has methods of gaining man's attention, a man may seek to
replace God, but in trouble.
A. Jeroboam and his wife did not go often to Ahilah.
1. They had set up the two molten calves.
2. They did not worship Jehovah or regard His prophet.
3. There may be some here today who do not often attend church.
B. This occasional hearer was destitute of true piety.
1. Most occasional hearers are.
2. The truly spiritual person is not an occasional hearer.
3. Many look on Sunday as a day of recreation.
a. Sleep in - read paper, go for a drive.
b. Thought of going to church repugnant --"spoil the day."
C. They usually come because they are in trouble.
1. Jeroboam's child was sick at home.
2. I know some people who go to church much as they go to
the pharmacy, hoping to get something that will their
3. We have an innate knowledge to turn to God in time of
trouble for help.
a. Very few true atheists.
D. She came because her husband had heard Ahijah preach before.
1. Ahijah had taken his mantle and torn it in twelve
pieces giving him 10.
2. Some of you have heard Gospel before; maybe were even
E. There was one Godly member of the family; the ill son. vs 13.
1 A curse was to come upon Jeroboam's family.
2 God was sparing the, Godly son from it.
F. Though she came, she & her husband perished.
A. She disguised as a peasant, a farmer s wife.
1. Put off royal robes & donned a russet.
2. Her offering was not that which befit a queen but
that of farmers wife, loaves... crackles... & honey.
3. Her deception worked as she made her way through the
city, across the dusty paths & into shiloh, 30 miles.
4 All this craftiness unnecessary because the prophet was now blind
5. Imagine her shock when she stepped on the porch & she
heard the prophet call, "Come on in, thou wife of
B. So many times people put on disguises when they come to church.
1. When we sing how earnest you look.
2. When we pray how reverent you are.
3. What have you really been doing today as you have gone through
the motions?
a. Some figuring out a business deal.
b. Buying school clothes.
c. Planning vacation.
4. You may fool man, but God sees right through you. "Come on in
thou wife..."
5. I would much rather go to hell an unholy man than a hypocrite.
A. Your son will die when your foot steps on the threshold of
your house.
1. The kingdom to be taken away & posterity out of.
B. Heavy Tidings.
C. Glorious Tidings.