Book: 1 Kings
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I KINGS 10:9
Intro: The visit of the Queen of Sheba - journeyed 1500 miles one way. 75
days. Came to prove him with hard questions Christ mentioned her
coming. Her astonishment of Solomon - wisdom - house that he
build - meat of his table... 10 fat oxen, 20 oxen from the fields,
100 sheep plus harts, bucks & fallow deer & fatted fowls daily.
His servants, ministers & cup bearers, his ascent to the house of
the Lord. "No more spirit in her."
A. Solomon a very gifted man. God gave him wisdom.
1. Naturalist, botanist, zoologist.
2. Prolific writer; 1005 songs, 3000 proverbs.
3. Not the least of these gifts was his ability to
manifest them in such a way that men glorified in
Jehovah the source and not in man, the instrument.
a. Should people say "you are a marvelous
teacher" (O God where did I fail?).
b. "God has anointed you to teach." (thank you
c. You're on dangerous ground when people start
to tell you how wonderful you are.
1. Danger of believing it.
2. There must be too much of me & not
enough of Him coming through.
3. Reporter, "To what do you attribute the
success of the church?"
B. Jesus said "Ye are the light of the world."
1. He established the Christian as a light.
a. A light has one essential purpose: to give
forth light.
1. If it fails in its purpose, it is
2. There is nothing quite so useless as
that person who has taken the name
Christian, but is failing to give
forth light.
b. Christ told of difficulty or folly of hiding
1. "Men do not light candles & then put
them under bushel."
2. "A city set on a hill cannot be hid"
3. You as a Christian are bound to be
obvious in this dark world.
4. A true conversion experience is bound
to show. How is it to show?
C. "Let your light so shine," That when they see your good
works... glorify God.
1. There are ways of doing my works that draw attention
to me.
a. Jesus warned of manner of giving, praying,
& fasting.
b. Human nature in me desires recognition.
c. I like the plaque "He's a real man of prayer"
"He walks close to God."
2. We need to take care in relating our experiences.
a. Sometimes my side gets more attention than
God's side.
1. "When I laid my hands on them I..."
2. My prayers never healed anything. My witnessing never
saved anybody.
My preaching never stirred a soul. God is the one who healed...
saved... stirred. Use this instrument. Praise His Name.