Book: 1 Samuel
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I SAMUEL 13:14
Intro: God could accomplish His work on this earth apart from man, but He has
chosen not to.
A. God seeks to work in the world today.
1. The world desperately needs God's help.
a. Sin has run its course for 6,000 years.
b. We see the bitter fruit.
1. Sick minds.
2. Sick bodies.
3. Sick air and water.
4. Sick governments.
5. Sick morals.
2. Apart from God's intervention, our nation is doomed.
a. We are hated almost universally.
b. We have gained the world title of ugly American.
c. Russia who threatened 10 years ago to crush us now has
the capacity to do it.
d. Our only hope is revival.
3. If God wants to help and we need God's help, then what's the problem?
B. God works through human instruments.
1. The lack of an instrument through which to work.
A. The circumstances surrounding the text.
1. Saul at Gilgal.
2. Offers sacrifice himself.
B. Saul rejected as God's man.
1. Pride.
2. Impatient.
3. Self-willed.
4. Disobeyed commandment of God.
C. "God hath sought Him a man after His own heart."
1. Paul in Acts 13:22 declares that this man is.
2. God is not looking for a perfect man.
a. We often disqualify ourselves because of our imperfections.
b. David had many imperfections.
3. God is not looking for a sinless man.
a. David's infamous secret sin with Bathsheba was published
in the best selling book that all throughout history may know.
b. But a man when faced with his sin will truly repent and seek
God's forgiveness.
D. God is looking for a man who will do His will.
1. God said of David, "I have found David a man after my own heart
who will do My will."
2. God wants you to surrender your will to Him.
E. David had a great love for God.
1. He also had a great zeal for God.
a. "Is there not a cause?"
2. He had great confidence in God.
3. His desire was to bring glory to God.
a. "...and all the earth may know there is a God in Israel."
F. Such men God is looking for today.
1. "For the eyes of the Lord go to and fro.."