Book: 1 Samuel
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I SAMUEL 10:6-7
Intro: Israel's clamor for a king. Saul's appointment. Natural qualfications - great
physique, courageous, wealthy family, modest person. These all from natural
side. Samuel speaks to him of the divine qualifications "The Spirit of the Lord
will come upon you." Three fold purpose.
A. Gift of prophecy not always in predictive sense.
1. A speaking forth of divinely inspired utterances.
a. The thoughts come pouring into your consciousness.
b. They can be in the form of comfort, exhortive, rebuke, reproof.
c. Not Spirit speaking through you but giving you the thoughts
you speak.
1. Volumn and tenor of voice your part.
2. In Old Testament times only limited numbers received gift of Spirit.
a. Moses wished all the Lord's people could be so blessed.
1. Eldad and Meded prophesied in camp "Would God that
all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the
Lord would put His Spirit..."
b. Joel invisioned and prophesied of such a day. "In the last
days my Spirit shall come upon all flesh, and your sons and
daughters shall prophesy,..."
c. Peter spoke of experience on day of Pentecost as fulfillment
of Joel's prophecy. He later notes thi gift given them for
all church..."
A. The Spirit given to effect a change in us.
1. "The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities."
2. "If we by the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the flesh."
3. "Ye shall receive power after the Holy Spirit."
4. All of this to conform us into the image of Christ.
a. God's desire for us revealed in Christ. He lived as God
wants us to live.
"I could never live like that" Why? Of course you
can't that's why He sent His Spirit. The same Spirit
that dwelled in Christ can and will now dwell in you.
A. It was after these other signs were fulfilled that Saul was to know that
Samuels' words of the Kingdom were true and God was with him.
1. The receiving of the Spirit brings assurance.
a. I John "We know He e abides in us and we in Him, by the
Spirit He has given us."
b. Satan may challenge many things.
1. God's Word.
2. Your conversion.
3. Cannot challenge the fact of the indwelling Spirit.
2. The Spirit is God's pledge to us. Eph. "He has given us the Spirit
who is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the
purchased possession.
Has the Spirit reached the ultimate in your life, by a ministry outward?