Book: 1 Samuel Print ( PC Only ) I SAMUEL 4:3 "THE FOLLY OF RELIGION" Intro: Mistake - they wanted Lord in their midst. They thought that the symbol of His presence enough to insure victory,. Man is a spirit, he inhabits a body possessing a soul. Integrated-interrelated. True religion is spiritual, the forms and symbols are the body. They help us understand. Doctrine of atonement taught in Jewish religion to help understand lamb offered twice daily. Substitution and atonement goat Christianity has a body, baptism, Lord's supper, worship services, form. "Form of Godliness." I. THE OUTWARD FORMS ARE TO BE REVERENTLY AND CAREFULLY OBSERVED. A. Ark of Covenant center of Jewish worship. 1. Stood in most holy place. 2. Shekinah. B. Reason to reverence. 1. Moses in war against Midianites - Eleazar priest. 2. At Jordan river. 3. At Jerico. 4. They thought that presence of Ark would insure victory. C. The true forms must never be altered. 1. Ark made according to pattern. 2. Correct forms come from God. a. Lord's supper. b. Baptism. 3. If baptism symbolizes burying, wrong to sprinkle. If baptism is only for believers, wrong to sprinkle. 4. If Lord's Supper is partaking of Christ. a. Wrong to hold it back from whole church. b. Wrong to administer to unbeliever. 1. For this cause are many weak and sick. 5. Sound doctrine must be adhered to. a. The form is not the power it holds the power. b. Like an egg shell, no life in shell. D. Forms must not be despised. 1. Philistines despised Ark. a. Put in temple of Dagon. 2. Set in cities - Emrods. 3. Set it in open country - mill invaded. 4. Beware lest you despise outward ordinances. a. You neglect church worship. b. I don't want some man injuring my body tho he may not inflict my spirit. E. Outward forms are to be cared for and loved. 1. Eli the priest when he heard Ark was taken. 2. Unnamed mother - profane husband - religious leader. Hard for woman to believe. She distinguished between priest and priesthood, man and office. Named child I -cha-bod. II. THE LEAST SPIRITUAL PEOPLE ARE THE MOST SUPERSTITIOUS ABOUT FORMS. A. These people did not pray or repent or seek God. B. Who were the men Christ castigated most? Men who observed rituals and forms. Drinking wine... C. People today hung up on rituals and forms. 1. Thinking baptism is salvation. a. Some of the vilest, most profane murderers. b. Faith in Jesus Christ alone can save. 2. Think that attendance at religious service atones. 3. Think that nightly prayers suffice. D. We can get hung up on things. 1. Worship building, furnishings, pulpit. E. The more zeal one has for ceremony the less true power. F. Note that man who drinks and swears and does all manner of vile things - most superstitious reverent man around - wouldn't think of entering church without removing his hat. G. The more a religion exacts from people the more zealous they become. 1. Religions of works always find zealous adherents. H. People like rituals because they don't have to give up favorite sins. III. TO TRUST IN RITUAL OR SYMBOLS MOST DECEITFUL. A. When the Ark was brought they shouted for joy. 1. Only 4,000 lost in first battle - this 30,000. 2. How vain the hopes of those who trust in works or ceremony. 3. Are you trusting in a few drops of water on your forehead to save you? Men who spend all lives as whoremongers, adulterers, theives... |