Book: Joshua![]() JOSHUA 9:3-15 "UNGODLY ALLIANCES" I. ALLIANCES FORBIDDEN. A. God had told them not to make any treaty with the inhabitants of the land. We as Christians commanded not to be unequally yoked together with unbeliever. B. Why are these alliances forbidden? 1. There can be no fellowship of righteousness with unrighteousness. 2. There is no communion of light with darkness. 3. Christ will have no part with Satan. 4. There can be no idols in the temple of God. a. Idols are dead, inanimate objects. They cannot represent a living God. C. The Purpose of an alliance. 1. We think of it for a strengthening of our position. a. If we pool our resources we will be stronger. b. If I am attacked you will help me. c. By joining ourselves together we become as one. 2. Any alliance with the enemy is only a weakening of our position. a. He will turn on us in the battle. b. Our sense of strength a false security. 3. Satan in seeking to draw you into an ungodly alliance does not have your best interest at heart. II. THE GUISES EMPLOYED TO DRAW YOU IN. A. Remember the enemy is a master of deceit. 1. He does not play by the same rules. 2. The truth means nothing to him. 3. And so the men of Gibeon came. B. "But our case is different." 1. God's rules do not apply to our situation. 2. He doesn't realize what a sweet guy he is. a. He is so moral. b. He is so generous. c. Surely can go into partnership with him. Ill. HOW UNGODLY ALLIANCES ARE FORMED. A. How did I ever get into this mess? 1. I don't why God did this to. 2. Oh what needless pain we bear. B. Note - vs. 14 "And the men took of their victuals and inquired not at the mouth..." 1. They trusted their own judgment. 2. They failed to seek council from God. 3. This is the same mistake Joshua made. C. "In all they ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." 1. There is one alliance you need above all others. a. Your alliance with God. 1. He will come to your defense. 2. He will guide you in all your decisions. b. Any other alliance must be directed by Him in harmony with Him. c. He will make no treaty with the enemy. D. Beware of any alliance that: 1. Requires a compromise of your convictions. 2. You feet pressured into. 3. You can't bring God into it completely. Always inquire of the Lord concerning every decision no matter how good it looks on the surface. IV. WHAT STORY TEACHES. A. Little problems often more dangerous. B. Its a mistake to venture on any project without seeking God. C. Any yoke I create with the world or worldly only weakens me. |