Book: Joshua![]() JOSHUA 3:4 "THE UNTRODDEN PATH" Intro: The children of Israel have arrived at the Jordan. Behind them is Egypt and the 40 years of wilderness. Before them the promised land waiting to be possessed. I. THE UNCERTAIN FUTURE. "YE HAVE NOT PASSED THIS WAY HERETOFORE." A. There is a fascination to uncertainty. 1. A reason why we are-interested in the New Year. a. There is really no New Year. b. Time goes on and is a part of eternity. c. New Year is a time of looking for ward and looking back. 2. There is a fascination for something new. a. People fascinated with news. b. Find out something I didn't know before. 3. There is the desire for something better. a. The resolutions of New Years day. b. A chance to start over again, hoping for improvement. B. There is the fear of the unknown. 1. We do not know the forces that will face us. their power and strength. 2. We do not know the problems that might arise this coming year. a. Economic. b. Political. c. International. d. Personal. 3. Joshua to people "sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." a. Today is yours. b. Tomorrow is Gods. C. The value of the uncertainty. 1. It forces me to put my life in harmony with the power that is equal to any emergency of tomorrow. II. THE CERTAINTIES OF THE FUTURE. "YE HAVE NOT PASSED THIS WAY HERETOFORE." A. The past. 1. God had said to Joshua "as I was with Moses so shall I be with you." a. God had delivered. b. God had guided. c. God had supplied. 2. The past has taught us a lot of things about ourselves. a. Our weaknesses. 1. Be glad you know them, you can now avoid them. 2. We know what to watch out for. Through His Guidance: 3. We can turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones. 3. The past has taught us many things about God. a. He was there in the hour of need. b. He did supply (He gave us strength.. c. He saw us through. B. The certainty of the present. 1. God gave them a new leader. 2. God gave them a new method of guidance. No more cloud or pillar of fire. a. Now to be a walk of faith. when priest step into water. 3. God to give them new provisions. a. Manna to cease. C. The certainty of the future. 1. I am moving into it. a. The past is past (I cannot change it). b. The present is passing (I cannot stop it). 2. How am I to face the future? a. Joshua 1:8.9. |