Book: Numbers![]() NUMBERS 32:23 "BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT" Arctic Explorers. I. YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT. A. In your face. 1. Lines of sin. 2. Street corner of boys. B. In your conscience. 1. Treasuries conscience fund. 2. Mental hospitals. a. Guilt complex. II. YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT. A. In your life. 1. Many apprehended years after crime. 2. Account of Arctic Explorers. B. In death. 1. Many have been successful in hiding sin throughout life. C. Judgment. 1. To man you may be perfect. a. "Man looks on outward appearances." 2. God looks on heart. 3. Your sins are actually against God. a. David - "Against thee and thee only." Ill. WHAT TO DO WITH OUR SIN. A. True that we all possess sin. 1. "All have sinned." |