Book: Numbers
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Intro: When the children of Israel came out from Egypt there came with them this
mixed multitude. They were not full Jews, not true covenant people. Sort of just
coming along for the ride. Like unconverted in the church.
A. Not satisfied with God's provision (manna..
1. They began to lust for the food of Egypt.
a. Fish,cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, garlic.
b. Nothing really wrong with this food.
1. It was a part of the old life.
2. Only a part. there was also the .
2. They began to let their fleshly appetites rule them.
a. They started standing in their tent doors weeping.
b. What pressure this created on Moses. God's leader.
3. They began to complain about God's food.
a. True it was a monotonous diet.
b. They lost sight of the long term work of God.
1. This wilderness was not to be their home.
2. God was bringing them to a land.
B. Because of their weeping and complaints. God promised to give them meat to
their full.
1. He brought the quail flying about 3ft. high.
2. They gathered them all day. all night. all the next day.
a. Those who gathered the least gathered around 850 gallons.
b. Certainly far more than they could use.
3. So sickening was this sight of people giving themselves over to
unbridled lust that God sent a plague into the camp.
a. Many died and were buried there. before they could even swallow
the flesh they craved.
b. They called the place Kibroth-hattaavah (graves of lust).
c. "He gave them their request, but sent leanness to their soul."
A. These things were our examples that we should not lust after evil things.
1. The mixed multitude within the church.
a. They are not satisfied to feed on Jesus, the bread of life.
b. They desire to bring the world into the church.
1. Music not for worship but entertainment.
2. The social functions gain the most prominence.
c. They would make the church a social club with religious overtones.
B. What a sad day when we become slaves to our own lusts.
1. It begins with the fantasizing of the past.
2. Tendency to remember only the good.
a. Remember the $50.00 jackpot, forget 5,000.
b. Remember the warmth of the alcohol in your throat, forget
stepping in your vomit.
C. Unbridled lust are destructive.
1. They will destroy you fellowship with God.
2. They will lead to Kibroth-hattaavah.