Book: Numbers
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Intro: When children of Israel left Egypt, there came with them a mixed multitude.
Part Jew, part Egyptian, came along for the adventure, hearts not fully in it.
A. No longer satisfied with God's provision (Manna..
1. They begun to demand flesh to eat.
a. They craved the food of Egypt, fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks,
onions, garlic.
b. They desired again the old life of the flesh.
1. They forgot the horrible , the cruel task masters.
2. This spread like a plague through the camp.
a. People all standing in their tent doors weeping.
b. What pressure this created on Moses.
3. It is true that manna was a bland food.
a. Not nearly as exciting as the diet in Egypt.
b. They forgot that God was bringing them into their own land.
c. The Christian life often seems bland after a life of
unbridled fleshly pursuit.
B. The lukewarm are actually a mixed multitude.
1. Lukewarm is a mixture of hot and cold.
a. Such condition nauseates Jesus.
C. God promised them flesh to their full.
1. Not just one day's supply but a full month.
2. Moses challenged God on how this could be done.
a. "Is Lord's hand waxed short?"
3. The next day He brought the quail flying in about 3 feet high.
a. The people gathered quail all day. all night. all the next day.
b. Those families that gathered the least gathered about 850 gallons.
1. What a graphic picture of how impossible it is to satisfy
the flesh.
4. So sick was the sight of this unbridled lust. God allowed a plague
to strike.
a. While flesh was between their teeth they began to die.
b. They called the place "Kibroth-Hattaavah"
c. "He sent them their request. but gave leanness to their soul."
A. "These things were our examples to the intent that we should not lust after
evil things."
1. The lukewarm relationship is dangerous.
a. Beware when you are no longer content just feeding on the
Bread of Life. Jesus Christ.
b. Beware when you begin to look back at the old life with relish.
Long for the things of the world.
c. Beware when you seek to bring into the church worldly programs.
1. Make church attractive or appealing to the flesh.
2. Keep your eyes on the goal - "home..."
a. That you might remember the "hope of your calling."
3. The Christian life is not appealing to the flesh nor should be seek to
make it so.
a. "Deny yourself." "Mortify the deeds of the body." "...have
crucified the flesh."
4. Giving ourselves totally to our lusts will never satisfy.
a. How many today have been buried at "Kibroth Hattaavah?"