Book: Numbers![]() NUMBERS 6:23-27 "THE LORD BLESS YOU" Intro: The duty of the priest was twofold. To represent the people before God. To represent God before the people. I. "THEY SHALL PUT MY NAME UPON THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL." A. Not His Name of essential being. "I Am." B. Does not declare His all-sufficiency. "El Shaddai." C. Not common name for God. "El or Elohim." D. "Jehovah." 1. This is His name by special revelation. 2. Literally means "the becoming one." 3. Great reverence toward this name. 4. God becomes to you what you need. a. Abraham "Jehovah Jireh." b. Moses - Amelek's "Jehovah Nissi." c. Gideon "Jehovah Shalom." d. Ezekiel (New City) "Jehovah Shammah." e. Jeremiah "Jehovah Tsid Kenu." f. Jesus "Jehovah Shua." "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins." II. HOW THE PRIEST WAS TO PUT HIS NAME UPON PEOPLE. A. Jehovah bless you and keep you. 1. The Lord is our source of blessings. 2. Word bless literally "bend before thee to serve." a. Group of men gathered in upper room. 3. The keeping power of God. a. "Now unto Him who is able to keep you." b. "For I know whom I have believed." c. "Who are kept by the power of God." 4. God wants to bless you and He will keep you. a. Points up the folly of the fear that "I can't hold out." B. Jehovah make His face to shine upon thee. 1. This means literally that the image of His face is to shine through you. a. "We with open face beholding the glory of the Lord. etc." b. "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." 2. "And be gracious unto you." a. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. It is undeserved and uncaused in the recipient. b. It is the basis of all God's blessings. 1. Lack of blessing never due to lack of devotion - or work - or witnessing - or prayer. c. Ultimate manifestation of God's grace. "and the Word was made flesh. etc." That one who came died for our sins the lust for the unjust. "God made Him to be sin for us" etc. "He was rich, yet for our sins He became..." etc. C. Jehovah lift up His countenance upon you. 1. May the brightness of His face light your path. a. How glorious to walk in the light of His love. 2. "And give you peace." a. First of all peace with God. 1. This made possible through death of Jesus Christ. 2. "Having made peace through the blood of His covenant." b. "The peace of God will keep your heart and mind through Jesus Christ our Lord." c. "Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you" etc. |