Book: Leviticus
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Intro: God loves you. and He desires to display His love b giving you rich blessings.
Satan hates you and desires to keep you from these blessings.
A. "If you walk in My statutes" (laws. regulations).
1. God through the law has given us a pattern for life.
a. We often say are not under law but under grace."
1. Grace is not a license to violate the law (I cannot
steal, covet, lie..
2. My standing before God is through grace.
b. The law is holy, just. and good.
1. The problem is me. I am carnal. the flesh is weak.
2. Grace allows God to accent me as I am.
a. Weak carnal sinner.
2. "If you walk."
a. He does not force us to take this path."
b. He does tell us where it will lead.
c. These laws of God are as predictable as the laws of nature
which also are of God (Who is nature?)
1. Let us say you hated the law of gravity & were always
seeking to brake it. (Who is going to suffer?)
B. "And keen My commandments. and do them."
1. This is reference to the 10 commandments.
2. "The ye doers of the Word."
3. If you can't remember all 10 remember this.
a. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God..."
b. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself "
If You will do this then I will do this)
A. Give you plenty. 4, 5.
B. Give you peace. 6a.
C. Give you protection. 6b.
D. Give you power. 7, 8.
E. Give you prosperity. 9.
F. Give you provision. 10.
G. Give you His presence. 11. 12.
H. Give you Freedom. 13.
I. These are the very things man is striving for today.
1. These are the things God wants you to have.
2. If I am striving for them and God wants me to have them, why don't I?
a. Wrong path.
b. Not path of strife path of obedience.
c. There is a certain inconsistency in the statement, "let us
strive for peace.
J. This full abundant life results from obedience, and is not achieved by direct
1. People have pursued certain aspects of it with success.
a. What value is plenty if I have no peace?
b. What value is prosperity if I have no protection?
c. What value is the whole world if I lose my own soul?
K. Ps. 1.
Seek ye first the kingdom.