Book: Genesis Print ( PC Only ) GENESIS 3:9 "WHERE ART THOU?" Intro: Genesis means "beginning." Beginning of physical universe, beginning of life forms, beginning of man. I. MAN, A SPECIAL CREATION. A. Rest of creation spoken into existence. 1. God formed man's body out of dust. 2. God breathed into man life. B. Man has a special relationship to God above all other creators. Made in image of God. 1. A touch of God in every man. 2. The capacity to know God. 3. The capacity for fellowship with God. a. Something beautiful about their hearing God's voice as He walked in the garden. b. Something tragic as they tried to hide from God. II. WHY DID THEY ATTEMPT TO HIDE FROM THE PRESENCE OF GOD? THAT'S NEUROTIC BEHAVIOR. A. Because they had guilty conscious. 1. Even today most neurotic behavior stems from a guilt complex. B. How foolish to try to hide from God. 1. David said Where can I flee from Thy presence? C. Many today trying to hide from God. 1. They stay away from church. 2. They try to avoid their Christian friends. 3. What folly, to try to hide from God. III. WHAT CAUSED THE GUILT COMPLEX? DlSOBEDIENCE! A. They disobeyed God's commandment. 1. God's commandment was for their best welfare. a. God knew the poison in that tree. b. They were convinced they knew better than God. c. God knew they would die. d. They thought God was unable to let them die. 2. God's commandments are always for our best welfare. a. How foolish when we think we know better than God. IV. GOD'S CRY TO ADAM, "WHERE ART THOU?" A. Not the call of an arresting officer, but the sob of a heart-broken father B. Adam knew where he was. 1. It is wrong to assume that a man doesn't know the truth about himself. 2. We try so hard to hide the truth from others. Some are so clever at deception they begin to deceive themselves. a. Deep down inside we know. b. The truth has a way of surfacing. C. God's cry comes to you today, "Where art thou?" 1. You can only be in one of two places. a. In full fellowship with Him. b. Out of full fellowship with Him. 2. God desires, yearns, for that full fellowship with Him. a. That you might have His life. b. That you might share His glory. 3. Sin always interferes with your fellowship. a. "God's hand is not short..." 4. God has made provision for your sin, that fellowship may be restored. That which Adam lost through sin, may be restored to you through faith. |