Book: Leviticus
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LEVITICUS 9:24-10:3


Intro: God severity. God's ultimate intention "John 3:16" to reach the world He chose a
       nation. To reach a nation He ordained a priesthood to go in unto God for the
       people to go out among the people for God. Sacrifices instituted, priest must
       truly represent God - strict obedience corrupted  priesthood, corrupted nation.

        A. Lev. 16:12 "fill censer with coals off the altar."
                1. In their enthusiasm took fire in their censers other than from the altar.
                        a. They were yielding to wrong motives.
                        b. Desire to burn incense wrong motive?
                                1. Why the desire?
        B. Verse 9.
                1. They may have acted under the influence of a false stimulant.
                        a. Mind's not clear to be fully controlled by God.
                2. May have been carelessness or excitement.
                3. May have been convenience or adaptation.
                        a. Acting on own initiative not controlled by God.
                        b. Self on the throne in that holy place.
                4. Sin in priesthood will produce sin in the people.
                        a. Seeking the right goal in the wrong way will never lead you to
                           the goaI you seek.
                5. Story reveals how false that concept that the end justifies the means.
                        a. Cannot build a house of truth on a foundation fraud.
                        b. Cannot build a house of purity on foundation of corruption.
                6. To have right motives is not enough.
                        a. Many people desire to see God's Kingdom come but do nothing to
                           bring it about.
                        b. They might pray for it & would even vote for it yet they leave
                           God out of their planning & their daily lives.
                7. We must ever be aware of false stimulants in our service to God.
                        a. If I am stimulated by passion for fame.
                        b. Desire for authority. False Fire.
        C. Lev, 16:1,2 Possible that they intruded into the Holy of Holies, in
           excitement & zeal. 
                1. The work of the Spirit should never be endeavored in the energy of
                   the flesh.
                2. Service to God should never be apart from His leading.
                3. One is never equipped to go who has not first waited on the Spirit
                   for instructions.

Today God is seeking still to reach world, He has chosen the church as His agency. He has
ordained us all to the priesthood. I Pet. 2:4 that the church has missed God's plan is
evident by the world about us. Shall we continue the same old dead programs & rituals?

We must submit ourselves to the Spirit to receive instructions Strange fire is any fire
other than that which is kindled by His Spirit.