Book: Exodus
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EXODUS 33:14-15
Intro: Moses is interceding for people after golden calf. Verse 2. God promises to send
an angel with them to bring them into the land. Moses argues he doesn't want any
substitute angel he doesn't know, He wants God.
A. The value of His presence.
1. He had protected them.
a. From the pursuing Egyptians.
b. From the attacking Amalikites.
2. He had provided for them.
a. Water for their thirst.
b. Manna and quail for their hunger.
3. He had guided them through trackless wilderness.
B. The demands of His presence.
1. That they be a holy people, verse 15, so shall we be a separated people
from the rest of the world.
a. God's grace never excuse for sinful living.
b. It gives the power to live holy.
2. That they serve no other gods.
a. He will not share His glory with others.
b. You must trust in Jesus alone, "I am the way, the truth..."
C. The results of His presence, "I will give you rest."
1. He will bring them into the promised land where they shall rest.
a. When you die is your soul going to rest? Not if you don't
know Jesus.
b. Safe in the arms of Jesus, safely my soul shall rest.
c. "There is no rest saith the Lord for the wicked..."
2. We experience a rest right now.
a. "Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
b. First consciousness of the Christian experience.
A. If you don't go neither am I. I'm not going without you.
1. How foolish to try to live apart from God.
a. Inviting disaster.
2. I wouldn't want to cross the street without Him.
B. To experience God's presence you must desire it.
1. "The Lord is with you while you'll be with Him..."
2. God will not force Himself on you.
a. He has given you the capacity of choice.
b. He respects your choice.
c. He will never barge His way into your life.
1. There will come a day when you'll wish He had.
C. The wisest thing you could say today. "Lord I'm not leaving here without you."
1. Do you really want a Christless life?
2. Dare you gamble with your soul when the stakes are so high?
3. A Christless life means a Christless eternity.