Book: Exodus
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EXODUS 23:30-40
Intro: The history of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt into promised land
typical history. Egypt type of world, etc. -"These things happened unto them
as examples." In dealing with them God revealed certain principles.
A. He has intended you to experience an abundant life.
1. Indescribable-joy, full of glory.
2. Peace that passes human understanding.
3. Blessings beyond your capacity to contain.
4. A life of victory and power.
B. Many Christians have not entered into these promised experiences.
1. They have come out of Egypt, but stalled in the wilderness.
2. Their Christian experience is one of defeat.
3. Many giants still possess the land.
a. They are slaves to their flesh.
b. Much unconquered territory.
C. It is God's desire that you go in and possess the land.
A. God will go before you.
1. Important to remember we are no match for the enemy.
2. We must not get ahead of God.
B. The victory comes one area at a time.
1. "Little by little, I will drive them out."
2. We get so impatient, which is a mark of the flesh.
3. We desire that God complete His program in a day.
C. It is God who drives out the enemy.
1. You have no power or capacity within yourself.
2. The victory belongs to God.
A. "Look for the Lord and obey Him."
1. Discover where the Lord is working.
2. The Spirit will make you conscious of that area where the flesh
is ruling.
3. Typical pattern.
a. Spirit reveals some ugly area of flesh dominance.
b. I step in to destroy it.
c. I get wasted and destroyed.
d. I admit defeat and cry for help.
e. The Lord moves in and destroys the enemy.
B. "Do not bow down to the enemy's gods."
1. Certain areas of the flesh we desire to keep.
a. It doesn't look that ugly to us.
b. The Spirit cries "crucify it" we answer "why, what evil can
it do?"
c. It can halt our spiritual progress.
d. It can bring us again into .
C. "Thou shalt make no covenant with them."
1. Sometimes we seek peaceful co-existence pacts with the flesh.
a. We seek to serve the Lord.
b. "We seek also to serve our flesh."
c. "No man can serve two masters."
2. There may be areas of your flesh life you are unwilling to give up today.
a. By whatsoever a man is overcome by the same is he brought into
b. God will make no pact with your flesh.