Book: Exodus![]() EXODUS 21:5-6 "THE PIERCED EAR" I. THE CONDITION OF SLAVERY. A. When you belong to another. 1. Not free to exercise your own will. 2. Your activities dictated by another. B. How one became a slave. 1. By birth. 2. By being sold. C. Blessing or curse relative to master. 1. Some conditions very good. 2. Other conditions unbearable. D. Law concerning contented slave. II. ALL MEN ARE SLAVES. A. That by birth "Born in sin." B. Terms of Satan's lordship. 1. Absolute control. a. "Who walk according to this world." b. "Deliver from whose who have been taken captive by the devil at his will." 2. Deceptive control. a. "The god of this world hath blinded their eyes". b. "If I just had..." 3. Unfullfilling service. a. Should injury or loss be sustained. b. Vanity of worldly pursuits. 4. Unrewarding service. a. "The wages of sin is death." C. Some men slaves by choice. 1. David in Ps 40:6 (prophetic of Christ). 2. Isa. 50:5,6. 3. Terms of such slavery. a. "Love his master." b. "Desire to remain." c. "Willing submission based on love." 4. Results of such slavery. a. Fulfilling service. 1. Should injury or loss be sustained. b. Rewarding service "The gift of God is eternal life." III. THE TRUE QUESTION. A. Not, do you desire to be a slave? B. Who is your master? 1. To what force or principle or goal have you dedicated your life? C. Have your ears been pierced? |