Book: Exodus
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Intro: The movement and history of Israel was typical and to establish spiritual truth.
I. Cor. 10. "These things are out example." and slavery in Egypt type of
life in sin.
A. Between two mountains and the sea.
1. Led into absolute trap.
2. No possible way of escape.
B. Who led them to this awkward position?
1. If it was Moses he should be fired.
2. Verses 1, 2 "Lord's stake."
C. Why would God lead them into a trap?
1. Here the are locked in this valley.
2. The army of Egypt has moved up to the rear and closed off all possibility
of escape.
3. God wanted His people to relate experiences to Him & fact of
His presence.
a. They immediately began to reason as though God was not in the
picture or did not exist.
1. Were there not enough graves in Egypt?
2. "Why did you bring us to this wilderness to die?"
b. How often we are guilty of same error.
1. We look at our present field position & we begin
to panic.
2. We begin to reason as though God was not in picture
at all or as thou there were no God.
4. God wanted them to realize that He can deliver from any situation even
if it takes the impossible for He is the God of the impossible!
a. Humanly speaking they were trapped. No possible out.
b. Had someone suggested the cross the sea they would probably been
stoned, that's impossible.
1. We are too prone to look for possible solutions. The
cry "I can't" is often the first cry of victory That
habit of sin you've been bound with you've done
everything possible to free yourself.
2. How many times we have looked at our field position &
started to panic. Unexpected expenses come in, "when
it rains ..." "Why art thou cast down O my soul, why
art thou disquieted within me?"
Points to ponder:
As our lives are led by God, every situation He leads us into. He will also head us out.
We should relate all situations to the fact of God's presence.
What we cannot do for ourselves God will do for us.