Book: Exodus Print ( PC Only ) EXODUS 8:25, 28; 10:11, 24 Intro: Egypt a type of the world - Pharaoh of Satan-Israel of the church. Satan sees to lead into compromise experiences short of full surrender. I. GO YE SACRIFICE TO GOD IN THE LAND. A. Believe in God and remain in the world. 1. People tell me they pray every night. 2. You can be a Christian and not go to church. a. Can you disobey God and be saved? 1. "He that hath my commandments and keepeth them." 2. "He that saith, I know God, and keepeth not His commandments is a liar." b. God's Word commands us to "forsake not the..." 1. Paul's teaching in I Cor. 12 the interdependency "the ear cannot say to the eye." 3. Christ declared the impossibility of this position. "No man can serve two masters" B. Many people trying to serve God and the world. II. VS 28 "YE SHALL NOT GO VERY FARAWAY." IF YOU HAVE TO BE A CHRISTIAN BE ONE, BUT DON'T BE A FANATIC. A. Once a week at church is plenty. B. No time to read Bile this week? 1. Did you have time to eat? 2. Did you have time to sleep? C. But Lord, I'm going to give myself to you all eternity. 1. After all what do you want? 2. I'm going to let you save me. 3. I'm going to let you give me eternal life. D. By all means keep one foot in the door of the church. 1. It's the respectable thing - you don't want to be a... 2. And who knows they just might be right. E. Christ spoke of the impossibility of this position. "If any man will come after me let him deny..." "And the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches..." III. 10:8-11 LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF THIS. A. You don't want to deprive your children of the pleasures of this world. 1. If you are going to insist on the narrow path, that's one thing. 2. Don't force them to go to Sunday School. a. Let them make up their own mind. b. Do you force them to go to public school? c. The child is pliable and needs molding-that's what parents are for. d. Children are extremely perceptive many times picking up your attitude. B. Don't subject your children to ridicule. 1. Allow them the parties and activities of the world. a. You can be sure they won't be ridiculed for being a Christian for they won't be a Christian. IV. 10:24 "LET YOUR FLOCKS AND YOUR HERDS BE STAYED." A. Withhold your possessions from God. 1. Tithing? That's law, and we're under grace. a. Tithing preceded law. b. Christ affirmed tithing. c. New Testament speaks little of tithe, because they gave everything. 2. "Will a man rob God?" a. Knew usher who was helping himself from plate. 3. We just can't afford to tithe. You can't afford not to tithe. God's Word exhorts us over and over to full surrender Satan keeps attempting to modify. |