Book: Exodus Print ( PC Only ) EXODUS 6:6-7 "GOD'S I WILLS" Intro: The difference between I will and I shall. Moses first attempt to deliver the people a disaster. I. "I WILL BRING OUT FROM UNDER THE BURDENS OF EGYPT." A. These things all happened as examples. 1. Egypt represents the old life before Christ. 2. Red Sea, baptism. 3. Wildersonn, learning to trust God. 4. Promised land, the life of victory in Christ. B. The burdens of Egypt. 1. Slave labor gangs. a. Like having a life sentence in prison at hard labor. 2. Work so hard yet nothing to show for it. a. You receive nothing permanent from all your labor. 3. Picture them in the hot sun making bricks. II. "I WILL RID YOU OF THEIR ." A. So many in to their flesh. 1. The insidious ways the flesh brings us under its power. a. It started with a dare. b. It stared as a lark. c. It started as a flirtation. 2. The fun and excitement have gone, just is left. 3. Like a way out but can't find way. B. The flesh is a cruel master, and has destroyed many and brought them to their graves. 1. Sad to see a life slowly deteriorating from alcoholism or drugs. 2. Even worse when that life is in teens III. "I WILL REDEEM YOU." A. God's promise to purchase you. 1. You are being held as slave. a. No power to redeem yourself. b. I have paid the price to set you free. IV. "I WILL TAKE YOU AS MY PEOPLE." A. As Bob Dylan sings in his newest album, "You've got to serve somebody." 1. It may be the devil it may be the Lord. B. Some of you have been serving the devil for a long time. 1. Your life is a negative input. a. You seem to leave pollution wherever you go. b. By your language or dirty jokes, you leave your filth in others minds. c. The world is a rottener place. d. Stinky kind in Williams camp. C. God wants you to serve Him. 1. Your life can have a positive influence. a. You can be a blessing wherever you go. V. "I WILL BE YOUR GOD." A. Who is your God today? 1. "I don't have time for God." (Mammon) 2. "I don't believe in God..." (Baal. 3. "Ask me later right not I'm having fun." (Molech. B. To serve (Mammon) is to become a slave. C. To serve (Baal. is to become a fool. D. To serve (Molech. is to become depraved. E. To serve the true and living God is to become a total person. VI. "I WILL BRING YOU INTO THE LAND." A. "A good land flowing with milk and honey." 1. A good life flowing with strength and sweetness. a. What a beautiful combination. 2. God wants your life to be full and rich. He will deliver you from . |