Book: Genesis
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GENESIS 32: 24-28
Intro: This is the story of God touching a man to cripple him, in order that through the
crippling he might crown him.
A. Jacob is coming home.
1. God has fulfilled His promise at Bethel.
2. The stream Jabboic brings back memories of twenty years.
a. They were prosperous years.
b. They were hard years.
1. Working for his uncle had not been easy.
2. Switched wives, changed wages.
B. The day of hosts.
1. The host of Laban has just left.
a. Not an altogether pleasant parting.
2. Jacob had a vision of a host of angels named the place
Mahanaim (two hosts).
3. Before nightfall he heard of a third host.
a. Esau is approaching with 400 men.
b. Coming in peace or war?
C. Jacob is a very resourceful man.
1. He had come out on top of every situation.
a. He got the best of Esau.
b. He got the best of his uncle Laban.
2. This cunning resourcefulness is what created brother and uncle.
D. Jacob is now a fearful man.
1. He can't go back, he must go on to meet his brother.
2. He prays, reminding God of His promise.
3. He then, using his resourcefulness, establishes his strategy for
the meeting.
E. Night is falling, all that can be done is done, tomorrow is the crucial day.
1. With his wives and sons bedded down for the night, he crosses Jabbok
alone. "And there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the
day." enemies of his.
A. Here is a man through whom the purposes of God are to be wrought.
1. Through him shall come a nation.
2. Through the nation shall come a savior.
3. Through the savior redemption for the world.
B. Jacob has one great weakness.
1. He is too strong in himself, to resourceful.
2. As long as he is able by his wit and cunning to master every situation,
he will never experience the great power of God. His strength will always
be limited to himself.
3. His problem was never that he did not believe in God.
a. He believed in God second, himself first.
b. He felt that God needed his help.
C. Why he crossed Jabbok to spend night along not known.
1. Some suggest to pray.
2. I think to get good night's sleep.
D. The wrestling match.
1. The crippling, "When he saw that he prevailed not against him."
2. The crowning - What is thy name.
a. Name expressed character.
b. Your name shall no longer be heal-catcher, but governed
by God "Israel."