Book: Genesis Print ( PC Only ) GENESIS 1:1 "IN THE BEGINNING GOD" I. THE BIBLE IS GOD'S REVELATION OF HIMSELF TO MAN. A. It never seeks to prove His existence. 1. It is always assumed. If I should write an autobiography I would not attempt to first prove I existed. B. The first verse introduces the subject matter of the book "In the Beginning God." 1. Who is God? 2. What is He like? 3. What has He to do with me? C. Some say the Bible reveals two Gods. 1. One a primitive God of wrath and vengeance in the Old Testament. 2. One of love and mercy and grace in the New Testament. a. As we study we will see the love, mercy, & grace in the Old Testament & the wrath in the New Testament. D. The necessity of this revelation. 1. It is instinctive in man to worship. a. This instinct created by God. b. So man will worship a God. 2. Does it matter which God a man worships? a. Yes, positively. 1. There is an arch-enemy of God in the universe who also seeks to be worshipped. 2. Taking advantage of man's instinct to worship, he has created many gods and systems of worship. 3. A man becomes like his God. II. "IN THE BEGINNING GOD." A. Before anything else God existed. 1. At this point we know nothing else about Him, but this whole book is going to reveal Him to us. B. My alternative to the creation story of Genesis. 1. In the beginning nothing, out of the nothing something began to form either a dark or light nebulae of either hot or cold gases. These either started twirling too fast & spun off or exploded. As one of these masses began to cool the earth was formed. Some chemicals came from somewhere & by remote chance defied the law of possibility & life was formed. This form of life by a strange miracle was able to reproduce itself & as it did, higher orders began to form Certain scientists have recently postulated that for the DNA & RNA to evolve in the cell would take at least 10 follow by 5,000 zeros years. X 6 X l0 zeros). 2. I know this sounds pretty far fetched, but if you don't want to believe in God you've got to be far fetched. III. "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED." A. The day of creation "BARA." 1. Things could not have just always existed. a. Sun losing her mass at rate of 1,200,000 tons per second. B. When was the day of creation? 1. 6,000 years ago? Entirely possible. 2. 6,000,000 years ago? perhaps, no conflict. IV. "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH." A. The God that the Bible is revealing to you in infinite. 1. In duration. 2. In power. 3. In knowledge. 4. In love. B. Tonight look up into the heavens, worship God. |