Book: Genesis
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GENESIS 22:1-1.9
A. Link in chain.
1. Seven occasions God appeared to Abraham.
B. Purpose of God through Abraham to restore a lost order, and establish kingdom.
1. Not chosen that from his loins a. people might spring forth to be God's
2. That is while other peoples abandoned to darkness and death.
a. God said, "I will bless thee and make thee a blessing" "In thee
will all the nations of the earth be blessed."
C. The whole human race in the mind of God when Abraham was called.
1. For the sake of humanity God needed a instrument - needed to be
human - purpose in incarnation.
D. God needs man in sympathy with Himself series of tests.
1. Call to leave Ur and later Haran.
a. Brought into fellowship with discontent of God.
2. Next God promised a land where Divine purposes to be carried out.
a. Built an altar - entered fellowship with method of God.
3. Promised him a. son and seed.
a. Fellowship with patience of God.
4. Night vision - horror of great darkness, offering of sacrifice - lamp
moving between the pieces.
a. Period of darkness lay ahead deliverance would follow.
b. Fellowship with hope of God.
5. Made Himself know as El Shaddai.
a. Not only God, Almighty God All Sufficient.
b. Knowledge of all sufficiency of God.
6. Abraham challenged God-seemed to him God's contemplated action unrighteous
"Shall not the Judge of the earth do right?"
a. Justice of God.
7. Left Horan to find a land. Left kindred to establish a nation. Not called
upon to make sacrifice that would seem to make impossible realization of
divine purpose.
a. No covenant or promise of deliverance.
b. Brought into fellowship with suffering. Take now thy son thy
only son, whom thou lovest and offer him for a burnt
offering. John 3:16.
Abraham obeyed.
Words "and" vs. 3 & 6 figure of speech polysyndeton continuity and persistence of
action How often human heart stops short in fellowship at this point.
We have fellowship in discontent and turn back on world.
We agree with method and go out. We wait with patience in darkness believing the
light will come.
We rejoice in hope.
We commune in prayer but when we reach the point of sacrifice, danger of halting
sacrifice of possessions.
What apostle said to Christ "spare thyself?"
Philosophy of hell Spared not His own son.