Book: Genesis
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GENESIS 22:1, 2
Intro: God created man for fellowship. He desires fellowship with you. The story of Abraham
is a man being drawn into full fellowship with God. "Friend of God." We haven't
cried together.
A. First in the Ur of the Chaldees and later at Haran called to leave land a family.
1. Fellowship with discontentment of God with surrounding world order.
2. "I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
B. Next when He showed him the land where the purposes of God were to be worked out.
1. Abraham built an altar unto the Lord.
C. God promised Him a son.
1. Fellowship with patience of God.
D. Strange night vision.
1. Horror of darkness.
2. The lamp moving amongst the sacrifices.
3. The predicted of Egypt before the coming back to take land.
4. Fellowship with the hope of God.
E. Next where God revealed Himself as El Shaddai. "God Almighty" or all sufficient.
1. God is sufficient.
2. Fellowship of trust.
F. Next was prior to the destruction of Sodom where Abraham interceded.
1. Fellowship with the righteousness and justice of God.
G. The call to offer his son.
1. Fellowship of the suffering of God.
2. To understand fully. - John 3:16.
a. "Thine only son whom thou lovest."
1. First mention of love in Bible.
2. Father's love for his son.
b. Jesus said, "For the Father loves me.
c. Yet, "God so 'loved the world."
A. Note the often repetition of "and."
1. Form of Hebrew figure of speech known as polysyndeton to show continuity
and persistence.
B. The faith of Abraham revealed in message to servants.
1. And I and the lad will go and worship and come again.
2. Abraham was expecting Isaac to return with him. Why?
a. God had promised to Abram through Isaac shall thy seed be called.
b. At this point Isaac childless.
c. Abraham believed in the resurrection of his son when he
offered him.
3. The gospel Paul preached - I Cor. 15.
a. "Christ died for our sins according to..."
b. "Was buried and rose the third day according to the scriptures"
C. Abraham was acting out a drama that would one day unfold into reality as God
was bringing him into fellowship of His suffering.
1. This is the point of fellowship where many half.
2. Paul in Phil., "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection."
So many stop there, and the fellowship of His suffering.
A. "God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering."
B. Called the place "Jehovah-Jireh" in the mountain of the Lord it shall be seen.