Book: Genesis Print ( PC Only ) GENESIS 22 "THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING." Intro: Jesus said to Jews "Ye do search the scriptures...." Here is one of the clearest pictures of all. I. "AFTER THESE THINGS," THIS WAS THE SEVENTH OF A SERIES WHEREBY GOD REVEALED HIMSELF TO ABRAHAM. A. Called to leave the Ur of the Chaldees Fellowship with the discontent of God. B. Next appearing was when God promised him the land, where God's divine purposes were to be fulfilled. "He entered, pitched his tent, built an altar, Fellowship with the plan of God. C. Later God appeared and promised Abraham a son. Fellowship with the patience of God. D. The strange night vision horror of darkness, the lamp moving between the pieces of the sacrifice, meaning dark days for his progeny but deliverance. Fellowship with the patience of God. E. God revealed as El Shaddai "God all sufficient" Fellowship with the suffering of God. II. THE CALL TO ABRAHAM "TAKE NOW THY SON..." A. The central verse of the N.T. "For God so loved..." B. Notice beginning at vs. 3 the repetition of "and" Heb. figure of speech poly syndeton continuity and persistence. C. Why would Abraham respond to such a call. 1. He believed in promise of God through Issac. 2. He knew God would if necessary raise Issac from the dead to fulfill. the promise, vs. 5. D. Why would God call him to do such a horrible thing? Many offended by this story. 1. Vs. 4 "Then on the third day." 2. Vs. 6 "Took the wood and laid it on Issac his son" "and Jesus going forth bore His own cross." 3. Vs. ? "Where is the lamb for a burnt offering? God will provide Himself a lamb." a. Behold the lamb of God. b. "I beheld Him as a lamb that had been slain." c. "God was in Christ reconciling the world." 4. Vs. 9 "And bound Issac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood." a. Abraham 130 yrs. old, Issac, 30. b. Issac must have willingly submitted to will of his father. 1. "I come not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent Me." 2. "Nevertheless not what I will, but..." 5. Vs. 14. a. Jehovah will provide "Himself." b. Mt. Moriah was the area of Jerusalem II Chron. 3:1. "Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in Mt. Moriah." III. CALLED UNTO FELLOWSHIP WITH HIS SUFFERING. A. God calls us to give something for Him. 1. Not necessarily something wrong. 2. The giving up entails suffering. 3. How often the human heart falls short in fellowship with God at this point. a. We leave the world. b. We follow His method. c. We patiently wait through the darkness. d. We rejoice in hope. e. We commune in prayer bring our questions. f. At the point of sacrifice we halt. "God spared not His own Son but freely..." And if God calls us to this we must not hesitate. |