Book: Deuteronomy![]() DEUTERONOMY 6:11-20 "THE PERILS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE" Intro: There are circumstances that have inherent dangerous pitfalls, that we would do well to guard against. I. THE PERIL OF PROSPERITY vs 10,11. A. The danger is forgetting the Lord vs 12. 1. Money has strange powers. a. closest thing to omnipotence we possess. b. also closest thing to impotence. 2. We begin to trust our riches for our needs. a. "How hard it is for those who trust." 3. We get so involved in "other things" - man with cadillac. a. James "and they that will be rich." B. What is the answer to this peril? 1. "If thy riches increase, set not your heart upon them." 2. Lay up treasures in heaven. II. THE PERIL OF ADVERSITY vs 16. A. Trials are places of peril. 1. They are places of revelation of truth. 2. Most anyone can sing when things are going great. 3. To have victory when all is going your way not much of a testimony. 4. How do I react to adversity? 5. Many who have stood with Christ in good times fall away - stony ground. B. The danger is murmuring against God. 1. We start to charge God foolishly. a. I don't think that God loves me. b. God has forsaken me. c. God has flied His Word. d. "I was better off when I was a sinner. 2. We begin to challenge the authority of God in our lives. a. Why did God allow this to happen to me. b. Wilderness experience was to humble them and to prove them. 1. make them to no longer trust themselves. 2. prove to themselves the depth of faith. 3. If we had our choice we would ask to be tested with wealth rather than adversity. III. THE PERIL OF THE COMMUNICATION GAP vs 20. A. The very fact of the question indicates a failure in training. 1. Training your children is a difficult task. a. This is why so many avoid it. b. It takes time. c. It takes patience. d. It takes love. 2. One of the perils of the ministry. B. How should you teach them? 1. vs 7 diligently. a. Talk about the Lord when you sit with them. b. When you go for walks. c. When you lie down-bed time stories. d. When you rise up. e. Write on the posts and gates and walls. |