Book: Genesis Print ( PC Only ) GENESIS 6:1-3 "THE DAYS OF NOAH" Intro: In response to disciples request for end time signs. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall-the coming of the Son of Man be." I. HOW WAS IT IN NOAH'S DAY? A. Population explosion. "Men began to multiply on the face of the earth." 1. Some math ratios put as many as 4 billion. 2. Sinee flood reduction of life span, wars, plagues, it took till: a. 1857 to reach first billion, 1935 - 2 billion; 1965 - 3 billion; 1976 - 4 billion; 1981 - 5 billion. B. Abnormal behavior "Sons of God came in unto daughters of men."Offspring were giants. 1. Term sons of god only used of angels in Old Testament. 2. Perhaps those angels that kept not their first estate. 3. We see today the illicit and abnormal pre-occupation with sex. C. "Wickedness was great, every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." 1. Our courts under the guise of freedom have unleashed a cesspool of filth upon the American public. a. They tie the hands of the local governing bodies from removing the social cancers from their communities. D. "The earth was filled with violence." 1. Our newspapers bear witness to the violence in our world today. II. THE FLOOD WAS AN INSTRUMENT OF GOD'S JUDGMENT. A. If God doesn't destroy them wholesale, their own chosen lifestyles will destroy piece-meal. 1. The breakdown of the family unit is one of the most destructive forces in U.S. today. 2. The living together without marriage flaunted by Hollywood personalities. a. Corrupt before God. b. Defying God's law. B. The judgment of God is coming again. 1. I do not say that with a smack of the lips. 2. I cry with a broken heart. 3. God weeps over impending judgment. a. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. b. God cried to Israel, "Turn, turn for why will you die?" III. "MY SPIRIT WILL NOT ALWAYS STRIVE WITH MAN." A. God's Spirit had been striving with them. 1. Noah was called a preacher of righteousness. 2. For 100 years he preached to deaf ears. B. There comes a time we know not when . . . a line we know not where... C. God's Spirit has been striving with this world. D. He has been striving with some of you. |